StarForce Commander Expansion 3


•       Expand your fleet NOW! Expansion 3 Includes:

•       Ship Book 3 which adds 26 new ships: 14 UFS and 12 Vallari. New Second Generation ship classes with new advanced weapons and capabilities like the Athena class light cruiser, the Pellew class frigate, the V-8 Ravager class destroyer and the V-12 Hunter class scout.

•       An updated Master Ship List with all 74 vessels from all expansions with revised point values.

•       Updated ship forms with a new look to match the upcoming ship form design tool.

•       New tactical options: firing weapons at low power, proximity fire, weapons with damage bonuses, and degraded fire control.

•       Rules for battles within Nebula and gas clouds.

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It has been a long time since I have been able to release an expansion. Real life has gotten in the way, including starting a new job with a lengthy training process followed by illnesses among family and friends.

This expansion adds second-generation ships that both sides developed leading up to the Second Vallari War. Some are legacy ships with upgraded technology, while others are new designs.

We redesigned the look of the ship forms. The new ship form is similar in appearance to the ship forms produced by the ship design tool that we plan to release later in 2025. The ship design tool will use an Excel spreadsheet, allowing players to design their ships. I’ve been working on it for a year, and it’s nearly ready.

This expansion also adds new rules and tactical options, such as Proximity Fire, Degraded Fire Control, and the option to fire weapons in low-power settings. We also revised portions of Chapter E3, Weapon Systems. This revision removes the concept of Overloading Weapons but adds the concepts of Damage Bonuses and arming High Power Cost Weapons.

Finally, we introduce nebula and gas cloud rules for those players wanting an extra challenge in their battles.

I hope you enjoy Expansion 3. Upcoming expansions will include a new faction (the Aurelians, with cloaking systems), new weapons, civilian ships, bases, fighter squadrons, FTL combat, the ship form design tool, and more.

Finally, please share this game with your friends who enjoy starship combat games. I’d very much like to grow our community of gamers.

StarForce Commander Print-and-Play
Sale Price:$12.00 Original Price:$18.99
StarForce Commander Dice (16)
StarForce Commander Expansion 1
StarForce Commander PREVIEW
StarForce Commander Play Aids + Dice